
Which Photo is Fake?

Loch Ness (Scottish Gaelic: Loch Nis) is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands (57°18′N, 4°27′W) extending for approximately 37 km (23 miles) southwest of Inverness. Its surface is 15.8 meters (52 ft) above sea level. Loch Ness is best known for the alleged sightings of the legendary Loch Ness Monster, also known as "Nessie". (Ref: Wikipedia)

Frunkenstein  (American: Frank, Paco) is a white bearded, Black T-shirt'd, Tiny Fist of Fury in the Encino area of Starbucks Coffee (it is located in the central portion of the southern San Fernando Valley). Frank is seen surfacing once in a bluemoon at Studio Brandissimo!. Frunkenstein is best known for words like "Groovy" and "Daddyo!" (Ref: B!)



Jim Mortensen said...

That second one is Photoshopped. Frank never smiles.

May said...

The second one is just some guy in a Frank Fraser costume. I saw them on sale at Party City.

It's that Big Foot story all over again!